Nanjing Yantu Avtomobil Aksessuarlari Co., Ltd ga xush kelibsiz!

YANTU A05 cordless portable digital tire inflator electric automatic inflatable car tyre air pump compressor

Price :USD 106.99

The portable bicycle pump offers numerous advantages:
1. Miniature Metal Pump: Equipped with a compact metal pump, it efficiently inflates tires for bicycles, motorcycles, and cars, ensuring you're always ready to hit the road.
2. 6000mAh High-Capacity Battery: With a robust 6000mAh battery, it provides ample power for multiple tire inflations on a single charge.
3. Wireless and Wired Charging: Whether you forget to charge it or not, this pump has you covered. It can be charged wirelessly or via a cable, ensuring you're never left stranded.
4. Portability: Its compact and lightweight design makes it ultra-portable, allowing you to carry it with ease wherever you go.
5. Integrated Lighting: The built-in illumination feature ensures you can use it even in low-light conditions or emergencies.
6. Power Bank Functionality: Not only does it inflate tires, but it also doubles as a power bank, keeping your devices charged on the go.
7. Multiple Nozzle Attachments: With various nozzle attachments included, it's versatile enough to inflate sports balls, air mattresses, and more.
8. Convenient Storage Bag: The included storage bag keeps everything organized and makes it even more convenient for on-the-go use.
Experience the ultimate convenience and versatility with this portable bicycle pump!

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Turi: simsiz
Displey: Analog
rang: Oq / Qora
Shiling Blok: 22 mm
O'lcham: 120 * 140 * 110 sm
Qobiq: ABS
Ish kuchlanishi: DC 12.6V
Ishlaydigan oqim: 7A
Quvvat: 100W
Vaqt: 4min /
PSI : 150PSI / 6KG
USB: 0.8m / USB / Micro / 0.2mm² / 100% Mis / Yoqilgan 2A zaryadlovchi
sim: 4.5m / Amerika ABS / Micro / 0.75mm² / Mis Cover qotishma
motor: 12V RS-540
Dvigatel RPM: 17000R / min
Drive Modle: Gear
Batareya; 3 * 2000mAh / 18650
dan ortiq kuchlanish himoyasi,
ortiq Amaldagi himoya
ortiq harorat himoya
Qisqa tutashuv
havosining havo oqimi: 25LPM
shovqinli: 75db
Aksessuar: Uch xil burama burchaklar + USB kabeli + havo trubkasi
Turi: simsiz
displey: analog
rang: Oq / Qora
Shiling Blok: 22 mm
O'lcham: 120 * 140 * 110 sm
Qobiq: ABS
Ish kuchlanishi: DC 12.6V
Ishlaydigan oqim: 7A
Quvvat: 100W
Vaqt: 4min /
PSI: 90PSI / 6kg
USB: 0.8m / USB / Micro / 0.2mm² / 100% Mis / Yoqilgan 2A zaryadlovchi
sim: 4.5m / Amerika ABS / Micro / 0.75mm² / Mis Cover qotishma
motor: 12V RS-540
Dvigatel RPM: 17000R / min
Drive Modle: Gear
Batareya; 3 * 2000mAh / 18650
dan ortiq kuchlanish himoyasi,
ortiq Amaldagi himoya
ortiq harorat himoya
Qisqa tutashuv
havosining havo oqimi: 25LPM
shovqinli: 75db
Aksessuar: Uch xil burama burchaklar + USB kabeli + havo trubkasi

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