नानजिंग Yantu कार सहायक कं, लिमिटेड मा स्वागत छ।

YANTU V01S cordless mini car vaccum cleaner 12V Wireless Small portable high power hand for wash

1. Strong Suction Power: With a powerful 5500PA suction, it effortlessly cleans seat cushions, floor mats, crevices, carpets, and even office desks, ensuring thorough cleanliness.
2. High-Quality Components: Featuring a 54mm aluminum impeller and a high-speed DC motor, it delivers superior suction performance with enhanced power.
3. Multi-Purpose Use: With versatile nozzle attachments, it adapts to various settings, making it suitable for use in cars, homes, offices, and kitchens—a versatile cleaning companion.
4. Portable and Compact: Its wireless and compact design ( ensures easy portability. The 15-minute battery life is sufficient for thorough car cleaning in one go.
5. Type-C Charging: It supports Type-C charging, ensuring compatibility with both car and home charging setups.

उत्पाद विवरण

उत्पाद ट्यागहरू


ब्रान्ड नाम: YANTU
मोडेल नम्बर: V01S
साइज: 30.4 * 7.4 * 7.6cm
सामाग्री: ABS
वारेन्टी: 12 महिना
रंग: काला / सेतो
कार्य भोल्टेज: 8.4V
कार्य वर्तमान: 7.5A
ब्याट्री: १00००mAh * २
पावर: W० W
4500PA: kPa
परिमाण : .4०. * * .4..4 * .6..6 सेमी
सहायक उपकरण: युएसबी केबल + २ मा १ नोकल

V01S无线A+_01 V01S无线A+_02 V01S无线A+_03 V01S无线A+_04 V01S无线A+_05 V01S无线A+_06 V01S无线A+_07

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    हामीले हाम्रो उत्कृष्ट सेवा र उत्पादनहरूको साथ धेरै ग्राहकहरूको विश्वास र समर्थन जितेका छौं।
    अब जाँच गर्नुहोस्