ወደ ናንጊንግ ያዋን የመኪና መለዋወጫ Co., Ltd. እንኳን በደህና መጡ።

YANTU V05 cordless vacuum cleaners for desk table keyboard couch kitchen car seat duster auto cleaning products

1. 3-in-1 Versatility: With multiple nozzle attachments, it adapts seamlessly to various settings, from cars and homes to offices and kitchens.
2. Powerful Suction: Offering an impressive 5000PA suction power, it effortlessly cleans seat cushions, floor mats, crevices, carpets, and even office desks for thorough cleanliness.
3. High-Speed DC Motor: Equipped with a high-speed motor and precision controller, it delivers robust suction, capable of picking up objects as large as an iPhone.
4. Portable and Compact: Its wireless, compact design (only 26cm long) allows for easy storage and transport, ensuring convenience.
5. Long Battery Life: With a 4000mAh battery, it provides up to 15 minutes of continuous cleaning, allowing you to tackle your entire vehicle in one go.
6. Type-C Charging: Support for Type-C charging ensures compatibility with various charging sources, whether in your car or at home.
7. Low Noise Operation: Operating at less than 70dB, it offers a quieter cleaning experience, making vacuuming more comfortable.

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች


የምርት ስም ስም YantU
የሞዴል ቁጥር ቁጥር V05
መጠን 26.4 * 7.3 * 7.3 ሴሜ
ቁሳቁስ: ኤቢኤስ
ዋስትና: 12 ወሮች
ኃይል: 80 ዋ
ባትሪ: 1500mAh * 2 የመሙያ
መንገድ: ማይክሮ 5pin የዩኤስቢ
ማጣሪያ: HEPA
Blade: fan fande
KPA: 4000pa
Noise: < 75 ዲባ
ልኬት 26.4 * 7.3 * 7.3 ሴሜ ተቀጥላ
: 2 በ 1 ብሩሽ

ዝርዝር ስዕል







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    ጥያቄዎች አሉዎት? እኛ እርስዎን ለማገዝ እዚህ መጥተናል!

    እኛ በጥሩ አገልግሎት እና ምርቶች አማካኝነት የብዙ ደንበኞች እምነትና ድጋፍ አግኝተናል።
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