ወደ ናንጊንግ ያዋን የመኪና መለዋወጫ Co., Ltd. እንኳን በደህና መጡ።

YANTU A05 cordless portable digital tire inflator electric automatic inflatable car tyre air pump compressor

Price :USD 106.99

The portable bicycle pump offers numerous advantages:
1. Miniature Metal Pump: Equipped with a compact metal pump, it efficiently inflates tires for bicycles, motorcycles, and cars, ensuring you're always ready to hit the road.
2. 6000mAh High-Capacity Battery: With a robust 6000mAh battery, it provides ample power for multiple tire inflations on a single charge.
3. Wireless and Wired Charging: Whether you forget to charge it or not, this pump has you covered. It can be charged wirelessly or via a cable, ensuring you're never left stranded.
4. Portability: Its compact and lightweight design makes it ultra-portable, allowing you to carry it with ease wherever you go.
5. Integrated Lighting: The built-in illumination feature ensures you can use it even in low-light conditions or emergencies.
6. Power Bank Functionality: Not only does it inflate tires, but it also doubles as a power bank, keeping your devices charged on the go.
7. Multiple Nozzle Attachments: With various nozzle attachments included, it's versatile enough to inflate sports balls, air mattresses, and more.
8. Convenient Storage Bag: The included storage bag keeps everything organized and makes it even more convenient for on-the-go use.
Experience the ultimate convenience and versatility with this portable bicycle pump!

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች


ተይብ: ያስቀምጡ.ገመድ
ማሳያ: ከአናሎግ
ቀለም: ነጭ / ጥቁር
ሲሊንደር አግድ: 22 ሚሜ
ልኬት: 120 * 140 * 110cm
ሼል: ABS
ወርኪንግ ቮልቴጅ ዲሲ 12.6V
ወርኪንግ የአሁኑ: 7A
ኃይል: 100W
የተወጠረ ሰዓት: 4min / 195/55 / R16
Psi : 150 ፒፒአይ / 6 ኪ.ግ
የአየር ቱቦ: 60 ሴ.ሜ
ዩኤስቢ: 0.8 ሜ / ዩኤስቢ / ማይክሮ 0.2 ሚሜ / 100% መዳብ / ስፖንሰር 2A ኃይል መሙያ
ገመድ: 4.5m / የአሜሪካ ኤኤስኤስ / ማይክሮ / 0.75mm² / የመዳብ ሽፋን አልሎ
ሞተር RPM: 17000R / MIN
Drive Modar: Gear
ባትሪ ; 3 * 2000mAh / 18650

ፍሰት : 25LPM
ጫጫታ: 75db
መለዋወጫ-ሶስት ዓይነቶች Nozzles + የዩኤስቢ ገመድ + የአየር ቱቦ
ተይብ: ያስቀምጡ.ገመድ
ቀለም: ነጭ / ጥቁር
ሲሊንደር አግድ: 22 ሚሜ
ልኬት: 120 * 140 * 110cm
ሼል: ABS
ወርኪንግ ቮልቴጅ ዲሲ 12.6V
ወርኪንግ የአሁኑ: 7A
ኃይል: 100W
የተወጠረ ሰዓት: 4min / 195/55 / R16
Psi: 90PSI / 6KG
የአየር ቱቦ: 60 ሴ.ሜ
ዩኤስቢ: 0.8 ሜ / ዩኤስቢ / ማይክሮ 0.2 ሚሜ / 100% መዳብ / ስፖንሰር 2A ኃይል መሙያ
ገመድ: 4.5m / የአሜሪካ ኤኤስኤስ / ማይክሮ / 0.75mm² / የመዳብ ሽፋን አልሎ
ሞተር RPM: 17000R / MIN
Drive Modar: Gear
ባትሪ ; 3 * 2000mAh / 18650

ፍሰት : 25LPM
ጫጫታ: 75db
መለዋወጫ-ሶስት ዓይነቶች Nozzles + የዩኤስቢ ገመድ + የአየር ቱቦ

ዝርዝር ስዕል

የመኪና ጎማ ማስገቢያ ፓምፕ (1)

የመኪና ጎማ ማስገቢያ ፓምፕ (1)

የመኪና ጎማ ማስገቢያ ፓምፕ (1)

የመኪና ጎማ ማስገቢያ ፓምፕ (1)

የመኪና ጎማ ማስገቢያ ፓምፕ (1)

የመኪና ጎማ ማስገቢያ ፓምፕ (1)

  • ቀዳሚ: -
  • ቀጥሎም -

  • መልእክትዎን እዚህ ይፃፉ እና ለእኛ ይላኩልን

    ጥያቄዎች አሉዎት? እኛ እርስዎን ለማገዝ እዚህ መጥተናል!

    እኛ በጥሩ አገልግሎት እና ምርቶች አማካኝነት የብዙ ደንበኞች እምነትና ድጋፍ አግኝተናል።
    አሁን መጠየቅ